Westmead Hospital

Get same day flower delivery to Westmead Hospital when you order by 2pm (T&Cs).

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Trusted by thousands of happy customers worldwide,
to send a little love & joy.

Whether it's an ill patient you are cheering up with a giant bouquet of blooms, or the parents of a newborn baby you are congratulating with a sweet posy or gift hamper, Flowers for Everyone are here to assist. Our professional florists design and deliver flowers to the Westmead Hospital on a regular basis, and know just what it takes to bring a smile to a patient or to uplift the carers around them as they recuperate. Our online florist shop boasts an impressive array of luscious bouquets and floral arrangements.

Available in a selection of re-usable ceramic pots, vases and gift boxes, we are confident you will find the perfect floral design to suit your requirements and brighten a room in the Westmead Hospital.

Unsure what flowers to choose? Here are a few handy tips from our florist team when selecting your bouquet.

Firstly, we always recommend ordering flower arrangements in a pot or vase, for ease of placement upon a patient`s bedside upon arrival. Bright colours are usually the most popular choice for hospitals, but don`t forget that soft, pale pastels and fresh, lush greenery can also provide a soothing and calming effect on a patient.

Lastly, if you are unsure whether a patient may find heavily perfumed blooms or pollens too much in the confines of a hospital room, opt for bouquets that contain seasonal flowers such as roses, hydrangea, lisianthus, chrysanthemums, gerbera daisies and snapdragons.

About Westmead Hospital

Operating since 1978, Westmead Hospital is a specialised tertiary referral hospital for the western Sydney metropolitan area, serving one of the largest growing population areas in NSW.

Westmead Hospital is the major teaching hospital of the University of Sydney for medical and dental students and is one of Australia's largest centres for postgraduate training at specialist level in all fields.