St John of God Hospital

Get same day flower delivery to St John of God Hospital when you order by 2pm (T&Cs).

22,000+ Reviews

Trusted by thousands of happy customers worldwide,
to send a little love & joy.

Send flowers to a loved one at the St John of God Burwood Hospital with Sydney's most popular online florist, Flowers for Everyone. Due to long-established relationships with local flower growers, our florist team use flowers bought daily from local farms, guaranteeing fresh, quality blooms delivered to your wife, partner, relative or friend to brighten up their hospital stay.

You may wish to factor colour therapy into your floral arrangement choice`research has shown the positive impact certain colours have on one`s health and wellbeing.

Not only will our flower arrangements cheer a patient, but they may also help to soothe and heal. Consider pure calming whites and soft pastels mixed with fresh greenery, shades of pink for `emotional love and healing`, or bright reds, oranges and yellows to energise and invigorate.

If a patient has allergies consider choosing perfume or pollen-free flowers to ensure their comfort, such as roses, snapdragons, gerbera daisies, orchids and lisanthus.

Select from a plentiful variety of flower arrangements featured on our website with just a click of a button or speak to our helpful floral consultants toll free on 1800 66 66 46.

St John of God Hospital Burwood is an 86 bed private psychiatric hospital providing comprehensive and holistic mental health care services in a setting of support and tranquility. Their services include a ground breaking Parent-Infant Unit, St Benedicts, which is NSW`s only unit entirely specialising in perinatal psychiatry.